Translations:Bâtiment 7/3/en-ca

From Rad Care

In 2003, a group of persons living in Pointe Saint-Charles planted a symbolic flag on the terrain that hosted old workshops CN.[1] The popular movement was to demand adapted facilities on the lot for the neighbourhood. Two years after the start of the campaign, CN transferred the lot for a symbolic C$1 to Groupe Mach, a real estate entity[2] that was to facilitate movement of Casino de Montréal to the area financed jointly by Loto Québec and Cirque du Soleil.[3] An important protest was mobilised by various community associations and after 14 years of activism was able to take legal possession of the plot in 2016.[4] Decontamination efforts were pursued and in May 2018, Bâtiment 7 opened its doors.[5] The struggle for the development of the area resulted in the citizens acquiring further space around the facility for community use in 2021.[6]